Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 4th weekend

Today is the day that Drew and Alaina come to Odessa to enjoy the 4th with us. We love it when the kids come and can't wait for them to get here. I'm also tickled that they like to come as well.
July 4th is a great celebration, but with it comes a little sorrow.
6 years ago this year on July 4th was when Gran died. I remember being at the Ranger Game and getting the call that she had passed. The fireworks were going off all around us at the time, and it was just like Gran saying, "I made it and it's awesome". I'm sure she did make it and I'm thankful for the sign.
I wrote today because I know Alaina is watching. haha

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Going To God's Country

Well, I wrote once today but I have more to write about. We are leaving today for Big Bend on our motorcycles. We're staying in the same house in Fort Davis that we usually stay at called the Grierson House. It's over 100 years old but has been updated to Pottery Barn standards.
Sam and Cathy, Mike and Denise Wheeler, and Robby are going with us.
This same time last year we took mom to Big Bend to celebrate her 75th birthday. She had lived in Texas most of her life and had never been there. I am so proud that we took her because that was her last birthday. It'll be hard being there at the same house knowing that a year ago she was with us. She's in a much better place now and for that I'm happy for her. But, we miss her terribly.
Taking a trip on a motorcycle with friends and family is really the best. You have great fun every time you stop to eat, of course, and then the quiet time is incredible. You pray a lot, you sing a lot to yourself, and the beauty of the scenery makes it really hard to focus on actually driving the motorcycle. Gary loves to listen to his radio on his motorcycle, but for me, I love the quiet (the motorcycle is definitely NOT quiet) but my quiet time is unbelievable. I feel so at peace with everything and I know God hears my prayers and is glad I'm talking to Him. I can feel the Holy Spirit just bringing things to my mind that I wouldn't think about if I didn't take the time to listen. How great You are!

The New Business

Well, this week was a milestone for Derek and Gary. Derek closed on his first business adventure and Gary finally got to have a corporation that has his name on it. The new business corporation is named "VestX Enterprises, LLC". Gary has always wanted a corporation named "Vestco", but it has already been taken. Seeing how the new business is called "Xtreme Powder Coating", then VestX is fitting. I love it.
This last Sunday our preacher gave the congregation a goal of sorts, to write down 7 things to pray about, 7 minutes of prayer (at least), and I don't remember what the other 7 was for. But I did this and on the first of my prayer list is Derek's business. That God would make it successful and that Derek would have wisdom and faith to run the business. God has already answered that prayer. Derek is so busy in his new business that he has items coming in the front door and the back door. It's rolling in faster than he can keep up, he needs more workers, he needs more money, and he needs more product for the powder coating, and he's loving it. Awesome! Thank you Lord for answered prayer.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Meaningful Day

Today is Easter 2008. Easter to me is what I stand for. I believe that Jesus rose on this day, 3 days after dying on the cross. Heaven depends on it. But today is also important to me because this would have been my mother's 76th birthday. This is my first year without my mother and I never knew how bad that could hurt, until now. Her good friend just called me to tell me that she was missing mom and that she was thinking about me. I could have just folded up and bawled yet I didn't want her to know how bad I was hurting. Just saying she was thinking of me made me just want to fall apart. I saved it for when we got off of the phone.
Today is also the 3rd anniversary of Justin's Kulwicki's death. I know that Sherrie and Billy are grieving terribly today and there's nothing I can do to help them, other than pray. I don't believe that it will be long before all of us who have lost loved ones, will be reunited in Heaven. I feel like things in this world have gotten that bad. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
I guess last, but not least, this is the first Easter Gary and I have spent without having someone in the family with us. Away From The Fam for sure! I'm reasonably sure that Kelton and Hudson didn't notice that we were not there, nor did my children notice we weren't there, but we noticed.
Happy Easter to everyone! It won't be long before we're ALL raised also, but hopefully in the Rapture.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Almost Easter

They say that this is the earliest that Easter has ever been in my life time. That's pretty early. To me growing up, Easter meant that we HAD to wear new dresses and gloves that matched and sometimes we had to wear a hat along with it. It meant hunting Easter eggs over and over again until the candy was gone. That was about the extent that I understood Easter.
Now that I'm grown, and past grown, I understand it a lot more. I understand that for a Christian, that is what we base our faith on. That Jesus rose from the dead, just as He said He would. He gave himself to die; no one took His life, He gave it freely. He could have called the whole "dying on the cross" off and could have said "no thanks, I'm not interested", but He didn't. He did exactly what God intended for Him to do, and gave Himself up for US! We have no idea what that means until we get to Heaven and see all of it's splendor.
We had someone in our church die earlier this month. He was in hospice with his best friend in the bed next to him. They were arguing over who was going to get to enter the Kingdom first. They were both excited about what was coming next, like a child on Christmas Eve. The first man was coming and going. He explained it to our pastor that he was seeing Heaven's gates opening and closing. He was seeing everyone there waiting for him. He said that it was just like others had said, "that there were people there I didn't expect to see, and others I thought would be there, that weren't". He was so excited and didn't understand why he kept coming back here. I know why! So God could give us a glimpse of what it's going to be like and to get us excited. I know it works on me.
The last 2 months have been particularly hard on my Christian friends from my old church. When I think about the people in leadership positions from my old church and how I thought they were maybe a step-above, I'm so disappointed. I shouldn't be though, because they're only people and we shouldn't look up to people, only Jesus. I believe that God allowed them to fall to humble them and us and to make us look up, not straight ahead. There were some people that Satan used in this particular situation, and I do mean "used". God allowed that too to teach us all that we are in need of a savior always. We can't possibly do anything on our own, only through Jesus. We need to be on our knees before God for ourselves and for others. We need to be in constant prayer for our families, for church leadership, for wisdom and for discernment for all of us. Never stop praying and loving. So much depends on it!