Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 4th weekend

Today is the day that Drew and Alaina come to Odessa to enjoy the 4th with us. We love it when the kids come and can't wait for them to get here. I'm also tickled that they like to come as well.
July 4th is a great celebration, but with it comes a little sorrow.
6 years ago this year on July 4th was when Gran died. I remember being at the Ranger Game and getting the call that she had passed. The fireworks were going off all around us at the time, and it was just like Gran saying, "I made it and it's awesome". I'm sure she did make it and I'm thankful for the sign.
I wrote today because I know Alaina is watching. haha

1 comment:

Tammy Pearson said...

hey, I am so glad to see that you had a blog when I read Sherrie's comments....I asked her if you were coming to the retreat, and was hoping by some chance that you were coming...I missed you....I know that Sherrie did too and you were was fabulous...I couldn't stop crying the whole time...I felt that place was so anointed....hope to catch up with you...Arrivederci for now from Italy.
Tammy Pearson